Salon quality products that are Sulfate Free, Paraben Free, and can be used on all hair types.

BruJaja Productions is proud to partner up with several non-profit charities for victims of child abuse, and to support disabled filmmakers suffering from PTSD, and to create events for under privileged creatives. Profits from these sales of A Witch’s Touch are donated quarterly to these charities. Although we may have our charities in place for three of the four quarters, the fourth quarter is open to all non-profits for submission requests and financial requests or sponsorships. Please email to submit your non-profits request. Disclaimer, because these profits are donated there are no refunds, or exchanges only. These are a way to help raise funds for underprivileged, and disabled filmmakers as well as victims of sexual assault and battery. Purchasing these products helps you support others while treating yourself.

A Witch’s Touch Bio-Mineral Haircare

A Witch’s Touch Bio-Mineral Haircare